A few links to useful reports and stats
On this page, you can find resources and research that we use to inform our work. Research about sexual violence against men, sexual transgression and victims of sexual assault, that is publicly available is shared on this site. As the Netherland’s knowledge hub on male and LGBTIQ+ victims of sexual assault, we have access to a wide range of national and international research.
Huiselijk Geweld en Seksueel Geweld 2020
Global Campus of Human Rights
Male victims of sexual violence in the European Union: an analysis of the EU’s actions combating sexual violence
Centrum Seksueel Geweld Factsheet
A link to the CSG EN Info page, including infographic
A World Of Difference, 2013
The sexual health of LGBT people in the Netherlands, 2013.
Seksuele gezondheid van lesbische, homoseksuele en biseksuele personen in Nederland, 2017
Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2019
Page 46, 2.4
Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2018
Page 47, 2.4
Sexually transmitted infections in the Netherlands in 2017
Page 43, 2.4