Ecstasy and Consent

Terry Kriz

What is XTC

XTC or ecstasy is one of the most popular party drugs in the Netherlands. The active component is MDMA (3,4-methylenedioxymethamphetamine), it usually comes in pill form but when used as MDMA it can also come in powder form. XTC has been around for 30 years and was especially popular in the 90s. It’s known for its stimulating, euphoric effects and the feeling of being in love and wanting to touch, hence the name ecstacy. MDMA affects the serotonin system of the brain which leads to the ‘happy’ feeling, this can lead to the depletion of serotonin levels in the brain leading to depressive symptoms a few days after use, commonly known as ‘Tuesday blues’.

*Aside from physical risks XTC is also illegal in most countries. Buying XTC also means supporting criminal activity and the dumping of harmful chemicals in nature, in 2018 alone 292 dumping locations were located in the Netherlands but the actual number of dumping locations is likely to be higher.

Effects and risks

Pleasant effects:

  • Euphoria, feeling in love, warm feelings: wanting to hug and touch people

  • Higher energy, more talking

  • Intenser perceptions: everything feels more intense and more pleasant

  • Tingling sensations, sometimes light hallucinations

  • Lowering of boundaries

  • Higher sex drive at low dosages

Physical effects:

  • Faster heartbeat

  • Higher blood pressure and body temperature

Unpleasant side effects

  • Dry mouth, inability to pee

  • Nausea

  • Involuntary jaw cramps and movements

  • Headache 

  • Heart palpitations

  • Sweating profusely

  • Days after: Depressed mood and inability to sleep

  • Decrease of libido and/or erectile dysfunction at higher dosages


XTC use can lead to death with improper use due to overdose, mixing with other drugs and medications,hyper/hypohydration e.a. Loss of consciousness and dizziness is always a bad sign and will require medical help. 

Short term XTC can lead to overheating and dehydration, due to the higher body temperature mixed with increased physical activities. The risk can be decreased by 1-2 drinks of water an hour, not consuming alcohol, layering  so you can take off clothing items if necessary, and frequent breaks in a cool place. 

The next risk is water poisoning, too much water consumption in a short period of time can lead to a decrease of electrolytes in the body which are necessary to survive.

Long term frequent XTC use can lead to organ damage, brain damage, memory loss and an increased risk of mental disorders. Not just dependency or addiction but also anxiety disorders, mood disorders and psychotic disorders.

Safer use of ecstasy


Get your drugs tested in the Netherlands and some other countries you can get your drugs tested in a lab to understand more about the dosage and if the drug you bought actually contains what is claimed and no other harmful chemicals. 

Hydrate, but not too much XTC leads to a higher body temperature, which can lead to overheating or dehydration, but too much water can lead to water poisoning, both are deadly. 1-2 glasses of water an hour is enough, if possible drink isotonic drinks (some sports drinks) or bouillon to make sure you ingest enough salt. 

Start small and don’t mix. It can take a while for a dosage to kick in, start with the smallest possible dose, for example a quarter pil, and wait at least an hour before you take anything more. Take notes of what and when you’re using to prevent accidental overdose. A higher dose does not automatically mean more pleasure, higher doses increase the chance of unpleasant side effects and complications. Mixing XTC with other drugs can also increase the risk of overdose or unpleasant side effects. Especially the combination of XTC with alcohol, caffeïne and cocaïne are reported to be dangerous, also the combination of medications and XTC can be very dangerous. 

In the bedroom

Be aware of the effects XTC brings you to a state where your boundaries can be easily crossed; everything looks, sounds and feels more pleasant, especially physical touch. This is not exclusive to the people you know and like, also strangers will seem beautiful and you might want to hug and touch them. This puts you in a position that makes you vulnerable to sexual abuse but can also lead you to cross other people’s boundaries who do not like being touched. Boundaries communicate beforehand what your boundaries are, what you like and what you don’t like. Drug use will lead to a blurring of boundaries, make sure your partner knows which activities are a hard no for you, have a safe word that’s easy to remember so you can stop any sexual activity that is uncomfortable for you.  

Communicate first of all, communicate that you’re taking XTC so the other person is aware what is going on with you. Also do regular check-ins with each other if everything is still okay. 

Drugsitter if using XTC at a party or another public place make sure you have someone around that stays sober and can help and protect you if ever needed. Make sure you’re familiar with the place you’re using at and at least some of the people you surround yourself with while using. Discuss signals you can use to communicate with each other when you’re in need of help, either because you’re not feeling well, someone is bothering you, or just checking in. You’re in a more vulnerable position because of your drug use, your reality and senses are affected, and you might not notice any red flags or bad intentions because of that. Stay together as much as possible and don’t go home with strangers or people you don’t fully trust when high on XTC. 


11/02: Dutch Drag star comes out in support of LGBTQIA+ consent with MenAsWell


Physical disability and sexual abuse